Lügen von P Wie man den Charakter neu spezialisiert’ In this game guide, we’ll be diving into the wonderful world of character respec in Lies of P. So, you’ve been playing for a while and suddenly you realize that the build you’ve been working on for hours just isn’t cutting it anymore. Fear not, my friend! Respec is here to save the day. In Lies of P, respec allows you to undo your previous skill point allocations and start fresh. It’s like a magical reset button that gives you the opportunity to rebuild your character from scratch. Whether you want to try out a different playstyle or fix some regrettable choices, respec has got your back. So, how does one go about this mystical respec process? Well, it’s actually quite simple. All you need to do is find the Respec NPC, usually located in major towns or hub areas. They’ll be standing there, waiting for you with open arms and a smile on their face. Just approach them and interact, and voila! You’re ready to respec. Once you’ve initiated the respec, a window will pop up, displaying all of your currently allocated skill points. From here, you can choose to either reset all points or selectively remove specific points. It’s like being a kid in a candy store, except instead of sweets, you’re surrounded by skill points. Exciting, right? Now, before you go all trigger-happy and start removing every single skill point, take a moment to plan out your new build. Think about the playstyle you want to pursue and the skills that will complement it. This is your chance to create the ultimate character, so make it count! Once you’ve made your selections, simply confirm your choices and watch as your character transforms before your eyes. It’s like a makeover montage in a movie, except instead of a new hairstyle, you get a brand new set of skills. Talk about an upgrade! And that’s it, my fellow Lies of P players! You now know the ins and outs of respec. So go forth, experiment, and create the character of your dreams. Happy respecing!

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