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Baldur’s Gate 3 Wie man Charaktere wirft’ In Baldur’s Gate 3, throwing characters can be a hilarious and effective way to deal with pesky enemies. Whether you want to chuck an unsuspecting goblin off a cliff or launch your party member across a chasm, mastering the art of throwing characters is a must-have skill. Here are some tips on how to become a pro at throwing characters in Baldur’s Gate 3. 1. Choose the right character Not all characters are created equal when it comes to throwing. Look for characters with high strength and dexterity stats, as they will have an easier time throwing and landing accurately. A character with a low strength score may struggle to throw even the tiniest gnome. 2. Target selection Before throwing a character, make sure you have a target in mind. It could be an enemy, an unreachable ledge, or even a fellow party member who volunteered as tribute. Aim carefully and consider the consequences of where your character will land. 3. Use the environment Baldur’s Gate 3 is filled with interactive elements that can aid your throwing endeavors. Look for barrels, crates, or any other objects that can be used as makeshift launchpads. Just be careful not to accidentally throw your character into a pit of spikes or a raging fire. 4. Timing is everything Throwing characters requires precise timing. Wait for the right moment when the enemy is vulnerable or when your party member is ready to make a daring leap. Don’t rush it, as a poorly timed throw can result in your character being flung into oblivion. 5. Upgrade your throwing skills As you progress in the game, invest in skills and abilities that enhance your throwing capabilities. Look for feats or spells that increase your throwing range, accuracy, or even add explosive effects to your throws. Who doesn’t love a character who can hurl fireballs at enemies? Remember, throwing characters in Baldur’s Gate 3 should be done with caution and humor. It’s a fun and unconventional way to approach combat, but it also requires some strategy and forethought. So go ahead, embrace your inner catapult master and send those enemies flying!

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